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Grace, Peace and Love – my journey.
365 days go by pretty quickly. Before you know it 5 years, then 10, 25 and 50 years have gone by. As you look back at the picture albums you notice that for the most part you were not in the picture frames because you have been taking pictures of your family and then one day the camera is turned back on you and you don’t recognize yourself.
And Yes… What a year this has been, I am grateful for all the precious memories from birthdays to graduations to weddings.
You start standing in the background trying to cover yourself hoping no one would really notice the salt-pepper hair, or to hide the wrinkled skin which once costumed a youthful heart face and even though the eyes twinkle you can’t hide the crows feet wrinkle that are now permanently there without having to smile.
I am grateful for all those moments in between laced with that one thing we just can’t buy and hard to define when we share our very existence connecting with family…
There is part of you wishing to celebrate your existence and wants to be in the picture, and yet vanity beckons not to.
also this year I can say that I have become better at growing orchids… and accepting the lesson that beauty is a reward that projects outward from within.
I would recommend early than late to give up on vanity because the problem is… one day you really won’t be there to be in those pictures, you (and I as well) will have faded into nothingness.
I am grateful to be fortunate to care for one of the most humble and noble beings on this Earth… chickens. They are generous by providing eggs almost year round, they are cute, funny and I find their cooing and clucking comforting to the soul.
… and so it is a realization of Love, Of Life, Of Sharing that beckons us to continue on.
I am grateful for all other living things that grace our yard and also call it home.
It is embracing the Creator and the Tapestry. It is in stopping and seeing the beauty that surrounds us amidst the mundane and the monotony which allows us discover a deeper meaning of our very own existence.
I am grateful to live in such a beautiful location where we don’t have to travel too far to experience the ocean, the beach, Florida springs and parks.
I am grateful and blessed to be able to tend to a piece of land where I can plant flowers and watch vegetables grow from seed.
I am grateful that I have eyesight to see the lovely sky, the clouds, the sun, the sunrise, the noon sun or setting sun and also the moon… all these majesties of the heavens a gift for those who choose to see.
Grateful that Geordan wished to spend the 4th of July with us… and those moments are always special.
Grateful for our beautiful cats… Miss Helen, Mittens, Meesho, Little Bear, Liberty, and Dottie, they fill our hearts with joy.
As the clock ticks on towards minus 365 days, I stand in the Here and Now appreciating the journey.
I am grateful to be loved by George who has a beautiful soul, may our Creator protect and shower him with Love
Grateful for the holidays… that allow us more opportunity to collectively be festive, cheerful and openly grateful.
I am grateful for dark skies, deadwood, brambles and bonfires.
So I say to you my dear heart… get in front of the camera and LIVE. Let it be known that you came, you saw, you lived and you Loved til the very end.
Indeed… I am grateful. Life is good.
May you find Peace and Love on your journey… Thank you for visiting with me, thank you for your support this past year and looking towards the New Year for new growth, Love and blessings.
As we prepare to close out this old year I wish you and your family a very
Happy New Year.
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THANK YOU I love you Ariana, may this coming year be all you wish it to be.
???????? beautifully captured 2023!