Credit Repair


Average credit card debt in America is $8,400. • Total US consumer debt (which includes installment debt, but not mortgage debt) reached $2.46 Trillion in June 2007!!

Over 82 millions Americans live with poor credit score.

A recent survey reveals that nearly 80% of all consumer reports contain serious errors or mistakes of some kind. Most individuals don’t track and review their credit files, therefore many don’t realize they have bad credit.

As a consultant I help people re-evaluate their spending habits, and it appears that many people are under the impression there is nothing that can be done to alter the information on their credit reports. I put together an easy to read ‘Do It Yourself Guide’ which point out how you can fix some errors on your consumer credit report.

Higher costs of borrowing presents major challenge to average consumers. Even if your credit woes can be explained, bad credit is a distraction from the employer’s perspective. Bad credit can affect many areas of your life.

Interesting to add is that: The biggest cause of fighting in marriage is due to financial issues as related to bad credit.

(..and this is where couples need to come together and establish healthy habits).

Want a copy of my DIY guide? Contact me.

Daisy Says: Put Credit right back where it belongs: In YOUR hands!

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