No Roses, please


It is amazing how ‘delicious’ life becomes as we get older. Savoring every moment, every minute, and every second.

Yesterday … early afternoon I received a call from a young lady. First words out of her mouth were, “Daisy, I have bad news”.

My response was, “No.” In my mind I was saying…. no, there could be no bad news in my
life… not right now. She continued on to tell me that her mother had to be driven to the emergency room ~ she was having a stroke.

Her mom is one of the kindest, devoted, and passionate people I have ever had an opportunity to work with. …and yesterday she was fighting for her life.

I had just finished helping my mother in-law make the final prep work for dinner (I’ve had my in-laws here from Czech Republic for the past week)… and I dropped everything to drive out to the hospital. I was drowned by my thoughts –thinking… why am I going there? what could I possibly do? …and in the silence through the pouring rain and thundering clouds the answer came to me: To hold someone’s hand and give them hope.

We, as humans, are all so frail. At any given moment we are switching roles:

One will become the leader.
One will resent the leader.
One will keep away from the leader and the resenter.
One will try and be an intercessor.

We constantly our maneuvering our position to enhance our communication and we have so many opportunities to leave this a better place by how we communicate with another.

It is not about the ‘roses’. Keep these in mind as you connect with people today. (your partner, your work buddy, a stranger).

“How are you?”
“How are you feeling?”
“Want to watch something together on t.v. tonight?”
“Dinner was good.”
“Would you like me to massage your back for a minute?”


Back to yesterday…. it was so nice to see her face… and her warm smile when she saw me walking in. It was a special time together, just the two of us. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine for as long as I could and no words were needed.

I called this morning she is better.

Daisy Says: Like a rose opens to share its beauty, open your heart to Love.

One thought on “No Roses, please

  1. “One way to understand communication is to view it as a people process rather than a language process. If one is to make fundamental improvement in communication, one must make changes in interpersonal relationships.” (Jack Gibb)

    “We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by standing in awe of death.” (David Sarnoff)

    Post Script:

    Please know, that I feel truly honored to be a member of your online-community


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