Build A Better You

Walking through the park I imagined a talk with God:

“Your task is to build a better world,” said God, and I asked, “How? I’m just one person and

this world is such a large vast complicated place now. I would not know where to start or if I can even make a difference?”

God in all His wisdom responded, “You just build a better you.”

The words ring true to me. At first, I thought ‘oh, that’s easy’. To become better I must ‘know myself’… and in that, is where we find the challenge.

To know oneself means one must face ‘thy own self’. Facing oneself can be one of the toughest things we could ever do, it’s like looking at oneself naked, seeing all the flaws and all the beauty. Too often we don’t like what we see because deep inside we know that the “best part of us” won’t come until we make the effort to face the Truth of who we’ve been, why we think the way we do, and why we act or react to things the way we do.

Truths have a way of bringing change and taking us out of our comfort zone. Just like a bright diamond hidden under the unpolished coal so we too must labor in polishing ourselves to break free from the chains that bind us.

“Start where you are…
and let the circle of your love
expand from there.
As long as you are trying your very best,
there can be no question of failure.” ~ Ghandi

Remember you have the power of choice and you can shape your own life.

What are some of the things you are doing today to ‘Build a better you?’.

Daisy Says: Build a better you!

2 thoughts on “Build A Better You

  1. Your blogs always help me with my day…..<3

  2. “People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.” (Thomas Szasz)

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