The DreamWorld


I felt anxiety rising though my chest. The tension was building up through me… slowly I began connecting with the tension and started looking around me, there were unfamiliar people around me as I was walked down the streets of an old town. I felt a sense of panic but couldn’t connect to the ‘why’ I was feeling the sensation.

I looked up at the sky above me, trying to determine the time of day. By the position of the sun it seemed to be a couple hours past noon. I made mental note… ‘yes, I could still make it home before night fall’. For no apparent reason, I headed towards the direction of the descending sun but after walking several miles the landscape became more unfamiliar and again I sensed the anxiety rising within me.

I spotted what appeared to be a bus stop and noticed there were several people sitting at the bench so I headed that way. I asked if the bus would go to Bonao and the lady smiled and said..”the bus does not stop here, we come here to celebrate the arrival of the Queen of Harvest”. I thought to myself, that’s not the answer I wanted to hear…and who’d want to celebrate harvest on such a barren land? The man sitting next to her gave me an uncomfortable smirk… and I quickly realized it’s time for me to go, because now I knew why I was having the anxiety sensation.

I felt like I was lost.

The phone in my purse was ringing.. that was the oddest thing… since when did I begin carrying a purse? After my years of police work I felt I no longer needed a purse – I only used it to carry my gun, but now I looked inside and I had three phones. There were two cell phones and a house phone.. that was odd, what good is a house phone in my purse? I reached for the cell phone that was ringing and it was my son on the other side… I tried to keep the smooth calm in my voice but he picked up that something was wrong. I told him that I was lost but that I’d find my way, I asked him not to worry…and he was so sweet he wanted to stay on the line until I made it home safely.

It seemed that I walked for hours and made no progress; I also felt uncomfortable being out on the streets alone… I felt like a field mice and the hawks were just waiting for the right time to feast. I clearly could feel the fear of being lost in a town or place that I was not familiar… I did not like it one bit.

Then something odd happened, I shifted from the streets… to the safe zone of my bedroom, I could feel the warm sheets on my bare skin… and I made a mental note and took a deep breath.

I’M GOING IN! (It’s not going to end this way!)

Once back on the busy streets I spotted two officers with maps in their hands, I approached them and asked if they could show me how to get to the town of Bonao. With the map in hand I could see I veered totally off course in the opposite direction. I thanked them and prayed they stay safe…as I made my way back into the busy streets. The sun was way past the horizon and now instead of walking towards it I was walking away from it. The streets seemed to have a different breed of people and the eyes looking back at me appeared hungry, but this time I paid no mind. I knew where I was going.. and I inteded to get there.

I woke up from my dream and contemplated on the whole illusion. Dreams can help us make sense of current situations in our waking world.

The fear and anxiety were real. I began connecting it with my present day situation and connected the pieces to the puzzle. I am venturing into new territory and this time I have no guiding post or mentor. I understand clearly now to trust my inner sense of direction. My dream confirmed that I must continue to seek the right people and follow the course and not give up… we will arrive at the right destination.

Tell me about the sleeping dream that helped you make sense of things in your waking world?

Daisy Says: All that is seen and unseen makes life complete.

One thought on “The DreamWorld

  1. I had a HOT erotic dream about the person who thereafter became-and still is today after six years and counting-my spouse 🙂

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