Self Talk


The words you think and speak affect your physical, mental and spiritual health. Running in your head is a constant active monologue. Your senses are busy at bringing your external world into your mind and you begin to process instantly.

Think of the self talk that goes in your mind with the input of the daily negative messages from radio, television, newspapers and ‘side talks’ from other people. It’s not hard to see how quickly anyone can develop negative self talk allowing it to become a constant companion.

It could go something like this:
— “I’ll never get this done on time.”– “I’m not going to get my hopes up.”– “It’s easier to do nothing.”– “I’ll get laughed at if I try that.”– “I just don’t want to be disappointed.”– “It’s too risky to try that.”– “Why even start that, I know I’m not going to succeed”

Horrible things to tell yourself. These self-commands are energy depleting and reduce your self confidence, they stop you from achieving your goals and stifle your every day progress. You just need to take control. It’s easy if you’re willing to try.

I suppose it’s in the trying where it all starts.

Just as negative self-talk works to debilitate you, the opposite is true. Positive self talk will re-charge you. “As a man thinketh, so is he.”

I challenge you to create positive self talk the minute you have a negative mental chatter – STOP. Change those thoughts into its positive counter. Just try it. Give yourself positive reinforcement, recognition and motivation:
–“I can do this”– “I feel great trying new things.” — “I learn new ways of handling myself when I am in uncomfortable situations”

It’s important to take control by talking to yourself and filling your thoughts with positive words. There is enough negativity in the world, why add to it?

Daisy Says: I feel Great!

2 thoughts on “Self Talk

  1. Have you seen Irving the Talking Hypercube lately? He claims to be visiting the Oviedo Marketplace Mall right about now 🙂

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