
I read an article “The Art of Seducing Out of Fullness” by Christine Akiteng and I do agree with her discussion about noticing how people eat and how it can give you a mental picture of how they potentially express themselves in other sensuous areas of their lives.

I am one of those people that do pay attention to ‘minor’ details and believe that it is the mastery of details that refines us and transfers into how we do things on a larger scale.

I found the article noteworthy to share with you….and if for one second makes you think when you are at the table… sitting with that special someone. As you become more conscious of how you can use every situation to attract what you want you too will begin paying attention to what messages you send when you eat. (and the messages that are being sent to you)

I had a male friend once say… he likes taking girls on an icecream date and watches to see if they chose a milkshake or an icecream… (the rest of the conversation I leave to your imagination)

Here are some tidbits:

Let’s just say if he or she is mindlessly shoveling mouthfuls of food into his or her mouth, or is a fussy eater, he or she will generally be mechanical or finicky in other areas as well — if you know what I mean.

You can learn a lot about people when you watch them eat and you can also completely blow a man or woman’s mind and turn him or her so ON watching the way you eat.

Men and women who’ve taken time to really learn the subtle but very powerful art of seducing the opposite sex know how to use even this seemingly very instinctive everyday activity into an experience that gets the opposite sex all warm and fuzzy in the right places.

A man or woman who has taken time to really learn the subtle but very powerful art of seducing the opposite sex knows how to draw attention to his or her sensuousness in a very seductive way and often very sexually arousing. He or she deliberately and seductively trails the fingers around a plate of food, lifts a glass of wine and smells it with the eyes closed, pauses in the middle of a sentence to taste a sauce, savours the saltiness of each potato chip, listens to the loud crunch of each bite, digs the teeth into the fruit as if for the first time, and will even emit a low “moan” when eating something that moves him or her to express exquisite sensuousness. There is no shame or timidity in his or her actions—all this is perfectly effortless.

With fingers busy, mouths, lips, tongues, noses, and eyes enticed, sensuousness lingers in their every bite— this is close to the “wild” as possible.

Some people are just naturals, I think it’s worth contemplating on seducint life if anything!When it comes to using the eating experience to seduce a man or woman, don’t rush anything. Let me say that again, PLEASE, DO NOT RUSH A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Take time to tease, coax and play with every single sense — his/hers and yours. Freeing up your capacity for sensuousness lifts you above the mundane.

Daisy Says: Let’s eat!

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