Quick Soup

Is there really such a thing as making a quick soup- a full-flavored soup is a mix between great ingredients and simmer time. href=”https://www.cooksillustrated.com/search?q=beef%20stew&dFR[search_site_list][0]=cio&dFR[search_site_list][1]=cco&dFR[search_site_list][2]=atk&dFR[search_site_list][3]=cookbook_collection&dFR[search_site_list][4]=school&dFR[search_site_list][5]=shop”>

…life is like making soup. You need to put in quality and allow time to master the process. So, let’s go back to the soup thing.

The Problem
Given enough meat, bones, and time, a great beef soup isn’t all that hard to make. But can you make an equally great soup without spending that much time and energy?

The Goal
To make beef and vegetable soup in just an hour, without sacrificing the intense flavor of a long-simmered homemade beef stock.

The Solution
We first needed to find a cut of meat with the right texture. After testing nearly a dozen samples, we settle on sirloin tip steak—its shredded texture can easily fool tasters into thinking the meat had cooked for hours. To keep to our time limit, we have to use store-bought broth but let’s keep in mind it will need some serious doctoring. After analyzing the flavor components in the beef broth, we test our group of foods that contained glutamates—naturally occurring flavor compounds that accentuate beefy flavors (such as tomatoes etc). Finally, to recreate the richness developed in long-simmered soup that is a result of tough proteins in the meat and bones breaking down into gelatin. We add a tablespoon of gelatin softened in cold water provided the missing viscosity. …and viola! Even the most discriminating palate can be fooled! (but it did take some know how and planning)

Interesting how success in life is much like following a recipe. Read on.

Could there be a secret to success, and let’s define success as something and anything you may deem realistically achievable given application and dedication. I’m still not convinced.

The Problem
Given enough patience, endurance, planning and execution success isn’t hard to achieve. But can you really attain success without spending that much time and energy?

The Goal
To attain success in half the time, without sacrificing all of ones lifetime in mastering the basic principles.

The Solution
We first need to determine what are the basic principles of success. After studying successful people, we identify key components of success. To keep our time limit, we need to evaluate our current belief systems and need some serious doctoring. After analyzing our thought patterns, we take action and follow through on our plan, allowing our own personality to begin to take shape with the new applied principles. Finally, to recreate the rich and fulfilled life that is a result of patience, endurance, planning and execution, we add Love and Passion which provides the missing piece of an exciting journey.

Through-out school we are told not to copy, yet in the ‘real’ world copying what successful people have done holds the key to helping us road map our success – being who we are adds the authentic part to the recipe. Having a road map sure makes getting to our destination easier, and bringing our full authenticity is what makes it a ‘one of a kind recipe’.

Daisy Says: Follow a good recipe!

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