And He turns 30

To have the gift and opportunity to have a child and to watch this beautiful life morph is one of the greatest treasures that I cherish.

The thought that I’d be a mother one day was not one that I dwelled on much, and when Geordan came into my life… all I wanted to be was a good person because now I

had this new life that would look to me first and I surely deeply wanted to reflect all that was good in the world.  As a police woman of the 1980’s in South Florida I had seen so much ugliness to cover several lifetimes and I wanted to in my actions and my daily life exude and practice Hope, Beauty, Love and Grace.  Not an easy task… when the world seems to be filled with negative propaganda and people want to measure you by how much education you have or how much material things you have accumulated. 

I know I have not ‘got’ this parenting thing right, and what I’ve learned is that as a couple you really have to be on the same page regarding your values and your vision for what as a couple you expect life to look like, if not… that uncertainty does affect the family and influence much of the child (or children) because they are like sponges and very impressionable.

For sure I can say that I can not take any credit for how this beautiful soul has evolved… he’s had – as we all have had – the pressures of family, of peers and self demands to contend with.  Yet how fortunate that God has given me life to watch Geordan become a man.

Happy Level 30 Geordan!

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