Life is Art

Life is art.
Life is changing.

The fruit of life is what you get from the learning.

The learning births more yearning.

Life- to find and keep discovering.

Life- the finding of oneself within someone else. (RWG)

What an incredible discovery! The satisfaction of looking into another
soul and finding oneself.

This life, your life. You the master artist, shaping your existence, discovering and wielding the tools, dreaming the dreams, seeing the visions.

You as the master artist take the time to work your gift in everything you say, think and do to fully express your true self.

You have the power to understand and choose, to appreciate and embrace. You have the power to create and plan, to visualize and most important to take action.

Every second of your life is marked with your self-expression. Your actions leave behind the brush stroke of your art work.

Daisy Says: Your life is your Masterpiece.

One thought on “Life is Art

  1. “Creativity is a learning process in which teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.” (Arthur Koestler)

    “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” (Pablo Picasso)

    “In waiting for the sun to rise, I discovered the beauty of the night.” (Lea Kelley)

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