Slow down and smell the coffee

Many times as we go through our day it is easy to get caught up in the rush of things, the challenge is to experience that moment to the fullest.

Whether it be the rush hour traffic or a rising sun, experiencing life means to be actively present in that moment. To live in the moment is to take in every sensation and acknowledge its existence and in turn you begin to honor your life.

The sensation of life happening around you. The blending of nature and people. The emotions that others convey and the emotions that you chose to use in response to what is happening. It all blends into Life. This day, this moment, your life.

For me… I love to be in the moment.

Come, I’m invite you into my space… as we dart a few rain drops we walk into the busy Panera’s bakery. Stop. Smell the wonderful scent of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee. Ah… hear the low chatter of voices and the familiar sound of dishes clanking together. Look to the right… see? The couple in the corner sitting on the sofa holding hands (how sweet)? and to the left there are a few faces peering into their laptops in the Wi-Fi section. Outside you can see the cars bustling by the main boulevard.
Come, come with me! There is no one in line, we’re next!

oooh, delicous steeping cup of flavorful coffee latte…mmm.

Daisy Says: Life is lived in the moment.

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