Mirrors Of The Soul

Mirrors Of The SoulWithout a mirror none of us would know what we look like. We could hear descriptions from others, or get an idea from drawings of how they see us. Yet for ourselves…getting an idea of our own image comes down to seeing our reflection in a mirror.

What about our deeper self? Our personality? Our deepest nature? I believe we get a picture of that in the way others see into us and it is reflected by the way they feed it back to us. They can get a picture of us better than we can. For the most part, we live inside our nature, looking out through our eyes. The mirror reflection that we get from others allows us the opportunity (should we choose) to grow and develop our character and our soul.

Does anyone truly see us that clearly either? Now that’s another good question to reflect on. What if we are but a reflection of what others see through the lens of their own personalities, influenced in their judgment and based on their set of experiences? Depending on their assumptions in life and what they are reflecting back…they may not even see us clearly at all and their judgment of our personality may be inaccurate at that moment.

I believe we can cultivate our soul through people – even if it’s just a fraction of our reflection.

If you want a mirror that is true, listen to your inner voice and you will find the true mirror… it will take some doing, as in all good journeys it takes time to know that it is safe to see the truth, because it takes time to become convinced that something more powerful and the idea that it may be

    in you

could well take a lifetime to cultivate, and you may strike gold when you discover the capacity for Love that lays dormant waiting for you to awaken.

It is at the core of life’s journey, the place from which all transformation emanates where the beauty of you lives.

Daisy Says: Choose to reflect back the beauty of others.

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