My Spirit Friend the Polar Bear

I find a silent connection with the polar bear and would love to espouse their many qualities – such as their ability to navigate along the earth’s magnetic lines, introspection, ability to find sustenance in barren landscapes, purity of spirit, strength in the face of adversity, solitude, expert swimmer through emotional waters, and above all finding ones way back from the brink.

Many times I have journeyed into life moving in one direction or other yet it was through solitude and introspection that I could find my way back to the source of light and guidance.

Polar bears are intelligent and fearless; native tribes throughout history have held the polar as a desirable ally and spirit helper. The white color of the polar bear represents the purity of spirit. As this bear is fearless and the universal energy only flows when fear is absent, the polar serves as a valuable ally in getting past fear, both physically and mentally. When our own courage falters we can connect with our animal nature and overcome obstacles beyond our imagination.

To the Eskimo and Inuit peoples, this animal is a source of both physical and spiritual nourishment. On a spiritual level, the polar bear is regarded as the embodiment of the spirit of the North, an animal who possesses ancient wisdom and has shamanic powers.

Youtube –

Of the bear family, the polar is the most aggressive and carnivorous, yet they are not territorial. They are exceptional hunters. Polar bears weigh up to 1600 lbs and are able to knock a 500lb seal out of the water with one blow. Polar bear attacks are more likely to be predatory and are almost always fatal. They are stealth hunters, and the victim is often unaware of the bear’s presence until the attack is underway. Incredibly strong, they are adaptable which is an excellent survival skill. (Though they are one of the largest land carnivores, they are still capable of great speed on both ice and earth. They are able to swim 100 miles non-stop.)

There have been many instances in my life where I’ve had to adapt to the circumstances and surroundings in order to continue the growth of my soul. To question the journey was not an option, only to adapt and grow secured my survival.


In general, adult polar bears live solitary lives. Yet, they have often been seen playing together for hours at a time and even sleeping in an embrace, adult males have “well-developed friendships.” Cubs are especially playful as well. Among young males in particular, play-fighting may be a means of practicing for serious competition during mating seasons later in life. Polar bears have a wide range of vocalizations, including bellows, roars, growls, chuffs and purrs.

Youtube – How To Play Like a Polar Bear!
The Polar Bear is one of my mentors, through observation of this majestic creature I have learned many lessons and gained much wisdom.

Prior to acting the polar will observe the situation beforehand. They know how exactly how to preserve their energy and strength and use both at the most appropriate time for the best outcome. The art of energy management is a lesson we can all benefit from.

Within the animal kingdom, the polar has no enemies. However, they do have but one enemy – the human hunter.

Daisy Says: Dare to be courageous. Dare to enter the Artic!

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