
Tenacious, I thought this would be a great word to ponder on. What is Tenacity?

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines it as: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.

“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” – Franklin Roosevelt

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent can’t take the place of tenacity;Truly the world has many unsuccessful people with talent. Education will not will not take the place of tenacity; as of this post, there are more educated people out on the streets without jobs than ever before — the U.S. government states that the unemployment is at 9.1% (I suppose they have not stepped out of their comfy offices and taken a walk through the major cities of America… if they took some real numbers to include those that do not report into the system and the women that opted to become care providers, I’d say that the unemployment rate would be closer to 12%).

ah! alas, this is about Persistence and determination which combined are omnipotent.

You can accomplish what you want perhaps not in one swift act of achievement — but you can do it gradually, day by day if you want to do it, if you work to do it, possibly over a long period of time.

Which would you prefer? Committed and Tenacious or Detached and Indifferent.

Truth be told, it is hard to achieve ANYTHING if you are not 100% committed to its accomplishment.

Yet the answer and the choice is in your hands. Indeed, you DO hold the key to achieving your goals. It’s in the Want and in the Work (pursuit, for those that find the word “work” offensive).

The pursuit will take you through the experience which in turn will become your journey. Have you put your dreams on paper? When you write your dreams down they begin to take shape, I have found myself erasing and redoing my dreams. What I have found more magical is that when I go back to my dream journal on several occasions I’ve had to expand my dream because as I had journeyed my dream expanded too!

The writing process helps turn your dreams into goals which you can schedule and track. The power of commitment is awesome. If you can dream it, you can think it… and yes… you can Will it to life!

Daisy Says: Take a deep breath and keep on holding!

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