
Faith is an action that validates your conviction that at an inner level you know all WILL work out and everything IS just at it should be.

The challenge is to muster the Faith to move the mountains in our life.lifeschallenges

The first mountain we deal with is the clearing of myriad of thoughts that rest in the mind.

I tell you as I tell myself: Believe in yourself, believe in what is going right in your life, believe that better days are ahead for you.

Focus on the good things and think: I CAN GET THROUGH THIS!
Thinking negative thoughts and thinking positive thoughts require the same amount of time and energy; which would you choose?

As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to control and manipulate, you release your doubts unto the world and welcome the blessings that are coming your way.

Daisy Says: Your faith can move mountains!

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