
There are 86,400 seconds in every single day,

1,440 minutes in one day

24 hours in one day
No matter how many seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months or years…. we all have but this lifetime.

What we do with our “time”, what we do with those seconds that seem to vanish into years – that is what makes up the story. Sometimes change is gradual. I believe each and everyone of us is changing and we don’t even know it until one day we wake up (hopefully not too late) and say: ‘wow! this is my life.’

Take ownership of this life you have, because ‘time’ is an elusive and fickle imagination that bites you when you least expect it.

Begin this second to connect with yourself at the deepest level and you will begin to drop the struggle. You will be rewarded with what you expect – simply listen to your self talk (I mean REALLY listen to yourself) – you will begin to admit that everything you have and are has been your creation.

The Universe rewards us with exactly what we expect.

When we expect to flow, when we become more hands-free, we evolve and start to become the person we have always deserved to be, that is when the Universe begins to put everything in motion to align with our greatest expectations and create our: True Story.

Question: Why does it seem that so few get to live an amazing life?

I think that too many of us are stuck in a revolving mad wheel; we think we are doing something but it turns out we still don’t “own up to our actions”. I believe that the minute we begin to live from our heart we create a connection with all that is true and good.

When we operate from our heart we become passionate and have a sense of ‘feeling alive’ – when this happens we begin to ‘live’. We get excited about every new day and everything seems like an opportunity for expression.

We begin to create and we begin to see our part in creation as simply a moment in eternity.

Daisy Says: Put quality ‘time’ into your life.

One thought on “Time

  1. Great message to me , you help me understand how beautiful life is , thank you for sharing your experience your beautiful thought . ?????????

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