Pure Intention, Intense

Have you ever wanted or desired for ‘things’ in your life?

Sometimes our own anxiety repells what we want most.

I believe that when we truly define what we want and trust , along with having an open mind- attaining our hearts desire becomes all possible. In addition I believe that our life is a measure of our ‘spiritual’ growth and if we listen and observe intently at the manifestations around us we can gauge where we need to focus on for future growth.

The energy in which we mentally choose to live, give and speak is of paramount importance and in direct relationship with what we attract.

I believe that when we give it must be from a place of Truth with no expectations. I believe that giving freely and from a center of Love dramatically influences our ability to manifest more abundance, prosperity, loving connections, and opportunities.

Daisy Says: Give with you Inner Child and begin to experience heaven on earth.

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