Addicted to the Struggle

Let me start by saying: EVERYONE DESERVES TO HAVE FUN

Do you feel like you keep moving forward but are still in the same place? Well I think, it’s time to take a step back and then ask yourself—Am I addicted to the struggle?

I think that we sometimes work harder when we need to work smarter. It appears that by working harder we keep doing more and more of the same…..and thinking that we are going to get a different result–which is, by the way, a pretty twisted way of thinking.

I was raised to value hard work and that anything worth achieving comes from hard work.

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying “work smarter, not harder.” I think most of us just got smarter at working harder. To me it seemed that “hard” was a good thing. Perhaps you do too?

When that happens I believe hard can become an addiction.

Perhaps we should focus on working smarter and look for the path of least resistance. I have a couple of cows (Molly and Rocco), when it’s time for feeding I watch how they make their way from the back pasture to the feeding stall. If there are obstacles or tall grass in their way – despite the fact that going through these areas may shorten their trip, they still choose to walk through the low grasses and gently they meander to the same destination.

Maybe we need to change our own feelings and beliefs about the process that we are involved in. Perhaps it is not about how fast we get to where we want to go. (cynically speaking – death is the only promise we have, why not just enjoy the days as they come?)

So how can we tell that we are addicted to struggle? Here is a sure test… have you set a goal?
had a hundred reasons why you can’t reach it, don’t reach it, and then create a bunch of excuses why that didn’t happen? If you can relate with this.. you are addicted to the struggle.

Being addicted to struggle keeps us within our comfort zones.

It is much easier to keep doing things the same old way than it is to change.

Re-evaluate your beliefs, give it a try. Maybe it is time to celebrate the OUTCOME and not the effort. Believe that you deserve goodness, fun and relaxation!

Daisy Says: Next Adventure!