Bazooka Moment


You ever wake up smiling? Today was one of those mornings for me – out of no where my mind was teleported to a distant past and I could see Danny’s profile; the feelings came rushing back at me and I was trying to hold back from laughing. Before I knew it I was actually laughing out loud.

Danny had the biggest wad of gum parked on the tip of his nose.

He must have stuffed 2 Bazooka gums in his mouth and forgot to spit it out before coming back from the playground and into the fourth grade classroom.

Our fourth grade teacher walked between our desk isle and all I could see was the back of her towering frame as she stood over Danny and said, “hand it over”. Danny took that big wad of gum from his mouth placed it on her hand, she then parked it on his nose. When she walked back up to the front of the class room… I looked over at Danny: HAHAHA!!

It was so hard for me to NOT look at him and try to NOT laugh!

I wonder if teachers still do the gum on the nose thingy. Anyways… memories are great and it’s a wonderful way to get yourself in a happy mood. Find a happy memory and pull it to you and watch how wonderful you feel!

What’s your Bazooka moment?

Daisy Says: Replay happy moments and get yourself feeling good instantly!

One thought on “Bazooka Moment

  1. “It’s not my fault that this wastepaperbasket is full of gumwads, it’s your fault. I wouldn’t keep telling you to spit gumwads into this wastepaperbasket if you didn’t keep chewing the gumwads in class in the first place. STOP LAUGHING! SHUT UP!” (Mrs. Wiecschtauffen)

    Post Script:

    DID YOU KNOW?: Peanuts has a website:

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