Beyond Limitations — Lessons from a Squirrel


What is your reaction when someone tells you that something is impossible?

Do you accept it and think to yourself that they’re right?

And so come the lesson I learned from a squirrel.

In my backyard I have a couple oak trees which we have strung a bird feeder from a six foot long sturdy wire choosing the longest branch eight feet away from the trunk of the tree. (all this to make it impossible for squirrels to get to).

This little bird feeder has brought me many moments of joy, watching the cardinals, jays and other small birds feast upon its perch. I have even watched squirrels attempt many upside down high wire- stealth moves -in attempts to feed from the bird feeder.

This day was different, as I observed the flying maneuvers of a squirrel. This little squirrel would run up and down the trunk of the tree, all the while keeping his eyes on the prize. By his movements one could tell that it was determined to get to the bird feeder.

It was a beautiful sunny Florida morning when I sat nearby looking out at the oak trees; after several attempts the squirrel flew through the air jumping from the trunk of the oak tree to the dangling feeder eight feet away… anyone would think it would be an impossible feat. The squirrel grabbed onto the bird feeder as if holding onto dear life and he swayed back and forth – the bird feeder and the squirrel were one. That image of the little squirrel dangling on the feeder with its little paws will forever stay in my mind… victory was his (or hers).

Looking at the squirrel I understood that sometimes we must suspend disbelief in our mind and believe in the possibilities of our dreams. We should ask ourselves:


If this where possible what is the first step I should take to be one step closer?
What plan do I need to put together to get from Point A to Point B?

Whether we want to or not, we will draw to us what we concentrate our efforts on. That little squirrel became the flying squirrel, even if it was for 3 seconds, even if in his mind his goal was to get to the feeder it was what he had become what mattered the most.

Courageous, Powerful and most of all he Believed in the POSSIBILITIES of his dream.

Daisy Says: You will become what you want to achieve, even if others say it’s impossible.

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