Building Castles In The Sky at the Half Way Point

You know June denotes the half-way point of the year. A great moment in your yearly time line to stop and re-assess your acheivements or lack of. Time to pull out your ‘New Year’s Resolution’ and see how far you’ve come in accomplishing your goals. How have you done on your diet? Did you finnish old projects? Take that vacation? Start that new career? Made that move?

Creating goals is one of the things that we as humans do best. – if you want higher performance out of yourself – at work, on your career, in your relationships, wherever – the process of setting goals for yourself is where it begins.

And, it’s where your fears come out! Most goal-setting is like the New Year’s Resolution – started with the best intentions, and gone in a week or so.

If goal setting has not worked for you it may well be linked to your fears – the secret reasons why we sometimes don’t seem to act in our best interests. Here are two big distractions around goal setting:

Distraction #1 – The unwritten. When asked about our goals, we’ll smile, and say “I’ve got it all up here.” The most common practice around goal-setting is to leave them unwritten, giving you the opportunity to modify the goal or even forget it completely if things don’t immediately go right. ~~ How convenient.

Distraction #2 – The unspecific. The kind of goal that says – “I want to start a new business.” This goal is missing time information, and a definition of “what kind of business.” Being specific will allow you to know when you’ve achieved your goal.

There’s a saying which states you can’t have success without the opportunity for failure, and vice versa. Unclear goals let us avoid failure, but in so doing, we also avoid success!

There’s a neat little mnemonic called S.M.A.R.T. You’ve probably seen it before. S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

S = Specific M = Measurable A = Action-oriented R = Relevant T = Time-based
If you tie your goal-setting to this acronym, you’ll quickly see how specific your goals become.

I share this with you because, I know deep inside that you aspire to more in life, you want more for yourself and your loved ones. You and I, we are a design of nature and nature’s …’nature’ is to evolve, grow and change.

Come with me and let’s build castles in the sky, let us take it a step further and anchor them with action here on earth.

Yes, we know that goals mean risk as well as reward. Goals mean new accomplishments, and change. New circumstances, relationships, jobs, careers, life-partners, etc. Goals allow you to re-invent yourself and change your past.

Daisy Says: It’s time to anchor your castles and walk in!

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