
A word I was pondering on this morning: Continuity.
The more I thought on it, the more I concluded that it is a very powerful word with an intense meaning: ‘An uninterrupted succession or flow; a coherent whole.’

Words have such impact on how we process things and use them to create our future.

Continuity, what does that mean and how does it affect us?

Everything! That is if you want to achieve more in life, whether it be to maintain good health, grow intimate relationships, or make a lot more money – continuity allows you to create a predictable path.

Continuity in your life and business affairs means creating ways for uninterrupted succession of you moving towards your future.

The concept of continuity is used in the information publishing business, how do they do it? through monthly and annual subscriptions. This is how they ensure continued business.

Perhaps there is something to learn here.

What do you subscribe to on a monthly basis to ensure your continued growth?

What do you pay into that helps you stay on that sure path?

How can you take this concept and use it for your own benefit in your daily life to create continuity of your journey?

The take-away here is that continuity between our deepest intimacies of life and our external environment can have a huge role in the manifestation of our dreams.
Become obsessed with walking your path and make sure to kick a few pebbles along the way.

Daisy Says: Allow the magic of life to flow through you.

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