Don’t Rush


There is a perfect timing within everything. The fruit falls naturally from the tree when it is ready; we too will have everything our heart seeks once we understand that we are a growing evolving being within this universe.

We live within perfect timing of the events in our lives. This timing is undeniable, it exist with every sunrise and sunset. To rush through experiences in our life is to deny ourselves of the most precious thing we’ve been given: Life.

Our planet is moving through space around the Sun at perfect speed of 67,000 mph, we wouldn’t want it to move any faster or slower ~ it would throw everything off balance. Once we are tuned into this perfection that is already here and now, our lives emulate a divine synchronicity everywhere we are.

We create such stress for ourselves not only when we rush but also all build up anxiety when we want things to come into our lives faster.

When we rush to get things done, our body becomes contracted, our mind narrows, we begin feeling a total tightening of our being and we miss the divine connections.

With all this tension we block the flow of our Manifesting Vibration. Then we wonder why things don’t go our way when in fact we are forcing the flow of nature …and Mother Nature will not be forced ~ you silly bean! Get that straight.

It is essential that we let go of any attachment to our future outcome and patiently allow the Universe to answer our request. Whenever we “have to” wait for someone, instead of being impatient choose to see that we “get to” wait, how exciting is that!? We have an opportunity to practice relaxing! Wait, don’t rush.

“The key to everything is patience. We get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow

Daisy Says: Don’t rush, when you have to wait see it as the Universe giving you a mini-vacation.

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