Dutch Amaryllis


One of the small pleasures that I enjoy is spending time in the yard, I love the green of the grass, the strength of a tree trunk, the shimmering of tree leaves and the blooms of the bulbs in Spring.

Aside from the orchids, flowers in the bulb family are my next favorite to have in my yard. I love the mystery of their appearance after they’ve laid dormant through the winter. I took a picture of the Dutch Amaryllis that has bloomed this year, the red is deep and velvet. Last year I just had one magnificent bloom, and my little bulb must have been busy underground during the Winter that now there are many!

The name amaryllis flowers are based on the name of Greek Mythology- Amaryllis is the name of a Greek Shepherdess. Growing amaryllis flowers is very easy, this type of plant just wants to grow and flower, even without water or sun light.

John Ruskin (a poet) had associated the kindness of a person to the flower as:

“Kind hearts are the garden,
——-Kind thoughts are the root
Kind words are the blossoms,
——-Kind deeds are the fruit.”

Flowers always bring on a smile and brighten up our day. I hope that I’ve brought a smile to you today.

Daisy Says: You are the flower of your garden: bloom.

2 thoughts on “Dutch Amaryllis

  1. I like the Emerson quote… and it’s seems to ring true especially when the wind blows.

  2. “Earth laughs in flowers.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

    “Butterflies are self propelled flowers.” (R.H. Heinlein)

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