End Struggle


Does it ever feel that life is a struggle? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Perhaps its just your belief. What if you set out to disprove that belief?

When you think and believe that life is meant to be a struggle you will see all circumstances entwined in the web of struggle. You will see it from the point of struggle, and therefor reinforcing your belief system… whether it be in the realm of relationships, personal achievements or finances.

What if we replaced our use of


to… effort. Effort is taking one action after another, I mean… it becomes more of a choice to do something.

This ‘thing‘ that we are involved in now becomes a progression of a journey with challenges along the way. We now make effort to achieve what we want versus struggling to get what we want. No matter how hard the goal may be, just tell yourself that it is easy and it will become so. I’m not saying that it may not take effort, all I am saying is that.. it will not be a struggle.

The way that we speak to our mind and inner self plays a key role in how we will prepare to take action. Let’s make it a habit to speak positively of our ventures and eliminate your negative self talk.

Then, our ventures will become adventures!

Daisy Says: Break the chain of struggle and welcome Effort into your life.

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