Choice of feelings
Life becomes empowering when you become aware that you are responsible for your OWN feelings. You are the master creator of your feelings.
Choosing to control your feelings in a positive and purposeful way, you can profoundly change your life for the better.
When you chose to blame others for your feelings, what you are really doing is giving that person control over an important part of your life.
You probably have heard others say: “you make me mad” or “you make me happy”
… makes you sound like other peoples puppet.
The way you feel can affect every aspect of your life. Choose to take a positive stand when it comes to your feelings and you will begin to feel powerful and influential — yes your choice of energizing yourself with positive feelings can influence the energy around you.
Each feeling that you experience is a feeling you have chosen.
We can all agree that much of what comes our way is beyond our control, one thing is clear..the way we feel about what happens in our lives is completely up to us!
Daisy Says: Choose your feelings wisely, and you will discover the richness of your life.