Florida Beach Life

Well here we are in May and

I was hoping by now to have had more beach days to share with you, it seems each month has brought on other wonderful distractions from weddings to graduations.

Which leads me to a contemplation of sorts… that of TIME.   Time is something we truly can’t touch, yet it does have a way of touching us.  The lapse of time creeps ever so slowly and without ones aware there we are at the wall of the thing which was so pressing in our hearts to do… THAT thing that needed to be done which were it for the managing of time IT did not get done. 

And taking the time that is upon us this very moment we answer the call to head to the beach.


*click above image for video play

The sun had already crossed the horizon and bright as the Summer days that it will be beckoning only a month away and the weather man predicted temperatures in the high 80’s but on this morning beach it sure felt like a forgiving 90.

Even a little black bird perched on a little twig came by to greet us as we stepped onto the boardwalk.  The dune buffered the Atlantic Ocean whose crashing waves were like whispers ushering us toward her.

A Beautiful Life

Sometimes we think we don’t have time, truly time is what we all have in common.  The same 24 hours… how do we make the most of time?  Or do we need to make anything of time? There is much to be said that for everything there is a ‘time’ and today this moment this is the time for me to ‘ground’, to ‘Breath’, to reconnect with the rhythm of Earth from the lessons of the ocean waves ever so constant yet with every visit to the shore it changes the canvas of the shoreline moving each grain of sand hither and thither.

And I too, with each breath being changed… or as I would also like to believe transformed into something more in tune with the beautiful vibrations of Nature:  Love, Peace and Grace.


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