Happy Father’s Day

Wishing Dad’s of the world… and in particular one very special dad – mine of course.


I thank my dad for all the great silent lessons he taught me through his ups and downs; no matter how many times a parent wants to teach a lesson, a parent is teaching lessons in his/her response to the mundane events of life.

The attitude about work, family and friends. The value of compassion, empathy, forgiveness and humbleness.
How they care and interact with themselves and the world around them.

As a child I observed my dad who was loving and caring. He was very empathetic for the needs of others. He believed in pursuing dreams regardless of how lofty they may be. He taught me that working hard to pursue a better quality of life for your family is a worthwhile cause.

The way he lives his life with simplicity and love of God has given me a great path to follow.

Daisy Says: Happy Father’s Day