
Through imagination we open a world of infinite creation.

It is through imagination that authors take us into places they’ve created with mystical creatures and fascinating locations. It is through imagination that song writers melody take us to past memory or hook us into creating new ones. It is through imagination that artists captivate us with their paintings, and architects amaze us with their feats.

It is through imagination that the greatest love could be experienced.

Imagine the possibilities when you allow your mind to draw upon the canvass before it, imagine your world: the magic, the colors, the adventure. Imagine your lover: the touch, the look, the love.

Your imagination gives you a glimpse of all that you can manifest, you are the magic. You are the writer, the director and ultimately the actor of that grand play of imagination. Your world can be as real as you want to imagine it.

Daisy Says: Every second of what is possible holds with it also all that you can imagine to be possible.

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