When I first came into the position of Mayor for the city of Lake Helen Florida… I was as if a deer in the headlights. Now, a year and three months into my term– here on this day of Valentine’s I look back at these days and with conviction can say God’s way are the best way. To me… God is Love. I had no foreknowledge about being a Mayor nor about the intrinsic web between citizens, cities, businesses and government – much to say about the minutia of everyday issues.
But I share this with you…. there is one constant, that is Love. Love is the answer.
There are many components important to government, I believe that the most important one is love. Yes, love. It’s possible to have genuine love for city staff and those we lead without sacrificing the goals of the bigger picture.
When we allow Love to take front and center we allow others to be imperfectly human, like the kindness of noticing that a staff member is having a bad day or a citizen expressing their frustration in the one way they know how at that moment.
Being honest with myself as a leader (who would have known), I’ve come to understand that people have real problems in life (myself included) – work, financial, marital, familial, legal, etc. These issues are a common thread that we all share regardless of what we do for a living. The reality is, sometimes these issues just try to get the best of us.
I understand that showing genuine concern or compassion for people does not diminish my respectability or reputation, neither does it define me as weak – but rather sets a precedence for strength. It is “Love” – that brings out the best in all of us. It is Love that shines the light in darkness, it is Love that opens the door for compassion and understanding.
It is not a sign of weakness to lead with Love, and therefore in line with ‘the world of statistics and science’, it is safe to state that “if leading with Love is not a sign of weakness – then – showing love is a sign of strength.”
In my opinion, Love is the missing link in our conversations and in our daily interactions. Showing love is a sign of COURAGE. It takes LOVE to even address the challenges that we face in our homes, our cities and our nation.
When we lead with love we can NEVER turn a blind eye to issues… it is with and through Love that God will shine the light and give us courage to do things that without Love would never get accomplished.
Daisy Says: Happy Valentine’s Day