This morning I had the most wonderful surprise when I received an unexpected phone call from my good friend and dear lady – my belly dance instructor, Kamila. I was under her tutorship for over three years and have not seen her in over 2 years… so to say that it was a surprise is an understatement.
We enjoyed talking of the old times and the exciting uncertain future ahead which lead to the topic of the mortgage industry and the housing market and she was concerned for me regarding business. I just told her that I am so devastated trying to figure out how I can possible help all these people that are going into foreclosure! The future is uncertain, the unemployment rate keeps rising and to add to the injury the property values are dropping and will continue to drop until the market adjust… until then, how am I to help people from losing their home?
Yes, frustrating … but I know that with my good intention and true desire, I will find a way. Yet it was a statement that Kamila said that got me blogging on the topic of ‘letting go’. Kamila is a very beautiful spiritual soul and she said that possibly at a subconscious level society (… I may have to add, at a national level) has a lesson to learn regarding ‘letting go’. She said, “If it’s broke, let it go”.
Let’s take it further, perhaps the lesson is not so much on ‘letting go’, but perhaps on accepting ourselves. Understanding that if our financial budget dictates that we drive a certain car and live in a certain home…then, we need to be responsible and accept our current situation. Not to say that we can’t ‘Think Big’ and ‘Dream Big’… but all that big thinking and dreaming must be accompanied with a goal and a plan.
My observations lead me to believe that people want things Now, and are not willing to Pay the price for those wants. Some how, the esoteric universal laws demand a price, whether it be knowledge, time, money etc. we need to stop this instant microwave mentality and connect with the true values of our inner self.
Daisy Says: Let go and celebrate the possibilities.