I had the most interesting experience a couple of days ago.
It started with a conversation with my mother about a porcelain Virgin Mary (specifically Mary Mother of Grace) which I had found in the basement of a house we had moved to when I was 11 years old. In my exploration, I found her behind the furnace – the porcelain statue was broken at the base.
The statue was no bigger than 6 inches, and with the broken glass base it was hard to stand up. I was immediately drawn to it and was so excited about my new find. I ran upstairs and stuffed it with paper to make it stand.
I kept Mary, Mother of Grace in my bedroom and would keep my rosary next to her. I was 18 when I moved from my parents’ home and when I moved – Mary, Mother of Grace went with me. I have moved many times over the next 40 years. Somewhere along the way… I misplaced her.
Oddly, I was telling my mother about how I had no idea where my statue of the Virgin Mary had disappeared to. We then talked about prayer, the fallen angels, and how praying The Rosary is one of the greatest weapons when battling against evil forces (in the Catholic Religion).
Before saying good-bye to my mother I tell her that one of these days I will run into a new statue of Mary, Mother of Grace – and I would seek the opportunity to have the artifact. This to me is more about… the energy that found me and not me looking to worship to some statue; it’s the “mother energy”, that loving energy that a child remembers the warmth and love of mother. Now here is where either the law of attraction comes into play or just the jokes on me moment and life is just random.
A couple of hours later after my conversation with my mother, my husband says he is going to see if the Goodwills are open (we are living through the historical COVID-19 pandemic so most retail stores are closed). I chime that I’ll accompany him. We get to the Goodwill, I look at the garments on the racks and quickly become discouraged because the dressings rooms are closed for public use. So I put everything back and go off to look at trinkets.
That’s where I discovered a sweet statue of Mary, Mother of Grace (pictured here). In an instant I recalled my earlier conversation with my mother and did not dismiss the ‘spiritual nature’ of what was happening in that instant. Without hesitation, I reached for the statue, and quietly in my head made a thankful prayer.
I feel a need to express that this is not a thing about praying to statues. Just as we keep pictures of families on our walls to remind ourselves that they are part and have meaning in our lives. As for myself, I am of the belief (again because of personal spiritual experiences) that even when our loved ones pass away – they are still a thought away.
So, when I saw the statue – I interpreted this as a message from this “mother energy” – reminding me that when my Earth mother was and is not there to hold me, to pray for me – during those very dark days and even now more than ever – she is there – interceding for me. I have never been one to dismiss the spiritual gift God has given me to pick up on the ways He supernaturally communicates with me.
I was not going to misconstrue the sign as some incidental coincidence. For me the message is very profound, especially since we are living through some very dark times. Don’t believe it? Simply turn the six o’clock news, read any tabloid header, or surf to your favorite social media channels – you’ll get enough negativity to make your head spin.
Regardless of religious background, the story or myth of the Virgin Mary is worth exploring – it may sound cynical using the word myth and yet when we decide to dive into what historical texts be them religious, poetry, songs etc we discover a whole different world very different from what the selected works of today’s bible paints. And there is a part of me that asks: Why was she chosen to play such an important role? What was the long term vision in helping either raise or control the human race? Perhaps her being portrayed as: Humble. It is her portrayal of humility that we see how she embodies God’s Grace.
I will leave the religious historical deep dive for another day… and focus on a different angle.
According to popes and exorcists, the devil fears the Blessed Mother (more on this in future posts – see links below). Pope Francis in a homily at St. Mary Major said: “Where the Madonna is at home the devil does not enter; where there is the Mother, disturbance does not prevail, fear does not win.” *reference link
As for a deeper explanation of what Pope Francis really meant… I can’t speak for him. Yet there is one philosophy that I hold… for myself, that it is on me to find my way ‘home’ and to seek within me the light that beckons to shine.
It is more than a feeling, deep inside I know I am a being of Divine Light; I have learned that the more you seek your divine birthright – the more opposition you will come up against. Even in this, there is mystery… because there is free-will and it can only become real to the believer through Faith. It’s complicated, yet simple. Meaning, the concept is complicated to explain hence, the mystery. Simple because Faith is a choice of what “operating system” we want to use in our lives. Hence our actions in a way embody our beliefs – when we say a “leap of Faith” there is a choice of action – “leap”.
There are sacred texts that have a common theme that suggest to seek inside for answers and if we choose to seek that connection we can use it to reconnect with ‘the more that we are’, and hidden in these texts are sacred words that offer tools to help us awaken to our divine connection.
We are reminded in the New International Version (NIV) under the epistle of Peter 5:8 – “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” These words are not just words in a book. If we approach the teachings with a purpose to hear the divine words – we will discover an incredible energy waiting to share innermost thoughts with us.
As I conclude this first part of this Virgin Mary Trilogy, I am actually sharing my testimonial of Faith – and my decision (free-will) to follow the nudging of that small voice. Where will it take me? For now, it will lead me into a deeper life of prayer.
Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, shield me from the enemy and receive me at the hour of my death. Amen.
This prayer a call for the protection that Love offers once we allow it in our hearts.
more musings – click link below for part 2 and 3:
The Many Names of Mary – Part 2
The Virgin Mary, the Devil and the Rosary – Part 3