Mid-Life thoughts

I now understand, because I have lived it, that nothing and no one stays the same forever and above all…things must end sometime.

The human existence is defined in the experience of a fragile mortality.

50… a threshold to cross. 50 reminds me to look upon the difficulties, disappointments, fears, and failures I’ve experienced as important life lessons, which have prepared me to cross the threshold. Some things in life just have to be learned the hard way and the only way to get through them is to GO through them. 50 also reminds me of the achievements and joys that were made possible because I chose to GO through the challenges and to face my fears.

While my loved ones may object to me going gray, I challenge them to see the youthful spirit that truly is me.

As I cross the threshold I embrace my gray hairs as a reminder of my journey, as well as a challenge to bring forth my spirit for others to see. Crossing the threshold I leave behind thoughts and ideas that no longer apply to the person I have become; bitter sweet relationships have come and gone left behind to blow in the winds of time. It also means practicing peace and serenity in my every day actions. It’s time to take a detour from the highway and enjoy an undiscovered dirt road.

Daisy Says: Courageously living with intention.

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