

No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Many of the problems that occur in relationships or business have a lot to do with people failing to communicate effectively. You might agree with me that most of the times where their is a problem … most of the time the root of the problem is: weak communication and often leads to confusion.

Communication is the exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. It involves a sender transmitting an idea to a receiver and the receiver then comprehending the message relayed by the sender. I believe that as important as the message may be, and despite that it may appear that we have a true listener in our hands, it is good to probe the listener a bit further to make sure that the message was received with comprehension.

One of my favorite tools in conversation is to feedback a statement into a question, so that I can fully understand in which text the information is being relayed… this technique has helped me so many times; it has cleared many paths for me and avoided a lot of headaches and misunderstandings.

Daisy Says: It is better to ask and be clear then to walk in the dark.

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