Music, the Realm of Angels


The headline news about about Philippe Quint who lost his $4MM violin and the New York cab driver who found it in the back of his cab returned it caught my attention.

There are certain things that I am attracted to, one being attention to detail. I mentioned the news to George and he immediatly said that he was sure it was a Stradivari violin…and sure enough it was. Stradivari took Amati’s violin design to the next level, not only in fine tuning various aspects of the body of the instrument but even enriching the color of the varnished he used.

Geoge’s cousin, Lubos Naprstek up in New York designs guitars – it is his hobby and passion. You can check out his work on his site.

Enjoy these two renditions of music being played on a violin. Now, is there a difference between a violin and a fiddle? Ha-ha-ha! Pancakes and Flap-jacks sure taste the same to me!

Daisy Says: Music food for the soul.

videos: Josh Vietti
and Charlie Daniels band – The Devils Went down to Georgia

4 thoughts on “Music, the Realm of Angels

  1. I’m so glad you enjoyed this music Bestione, come back and hang out with me anytime.

  2. very nice;i love this music

  3. “A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.” (Leopold Stokowski)

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