
Procrastination is a thief of success.

I believe that we experience many little successes throughout our day, and I believe that success has much to do with our attitude and beliefs. It’s been my experience that achieving goals has a lot to do with our mindset. We have a better chance of success if we believe we’ll be successful.

ProcrastinationBelieving that we can achieve something sets a strong foundation to defeat procrastination, that’s a huge jumpstart to take charge of your life today.

Part of eliminating the stronghold of procrastination is developing control of your negative thoughts. When the mind says you can’t do something, refuse to listen to it. Don’t express your negative thoughts in words; tell yourself that you will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Many people procrastinate because they’ve made up their minds that they’re going to fail. If you are one of these people, the most important thing you can do today is to stop believing that failure is your birthright.

Human beings are unique because of our ability to become more than what we are – we can change, we can improve ourselves. We can choose to gradually change. To cause change, we must be able to accept full responsibility for everything we do. If you are seeking more meaning in your life, you deserve to gain your power back, you have the foundation and every right to act now and improve yourself. Begin today and guard your temple against the thief of procrastination and be mindful of his sneaky little ways.

Daisy Says: Tell yourself you can, and you will!

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