September 11

I send a prayer to the many families that lost a loved one the day the twin towers came down in New York.

On that day we saw Americans band united as one moving mind who’s natural directive shouted: SURVIVE.

It was in the after hours that we saw the power of government as we witnessed American skies free of aircraft. To observe the power of government in action also disturbed my sanity of how quickly government can take those freedoms and rights from its citizens. Just like many Americans that live on its borders (and all of Florida) are not aware that they live in a “Constitution Free Zone” – unprotected by the 4th Ammendment.

Thomas Jefferson third president of the U.S. of America remembered for many achievements and author of the “Declaration of American Independence”, was quoted as saying:

~History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.

~I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

~The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

~Most bad government has grown out of too much government.

As whispers of one world government slowly move to rumors – at a blink of an eye many Americans have awakened to find that manufacturing industry has long moved over seas, unemployment keeps climbing, real estate values keep dropping, a gap between the values of aging Americans (who are living longer and having to stay in the work force) and the digital young American millennial that are entering their acquisition phase are left to battle for whatever job openings may be available.

The government shouts job creation in the wake of major layoffs all over the country!

For me being native to America and having culture ties to the island of Dominican Republic, I understand that the challenge that lie ahead for many ‘established’ Americans will be in keeping American identity as the leaders plan to unify the planet in its mission of ‘survival’ and better use of planetary resources.

This solemn day should serve to remind “We the people” that ‘crisis’ is always an excellent means through which politicians advance their agendas. America the land of opportunity, where an underdog can be a super dog… and vice versa.

It is in unified spirit that we Americans hail: Let freedom ring!

Daisy Says: I love America and the freedom to ‘survive’.

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