Thank You

Thank you for coloring my world, with your visits, comments, kindness, and sharing.

Two words and so much Power. I can say that when those words are spoken from the heart and passed onto another human being… it breaks down so many walls that whatever sweat and agony was placed on the effort or task, the words: Thank You make it all that much more rewarding.

When I am faced with troubling matters, I don’t have to like what I’m dealing with… all I know is that I must be ‘Thankful’ for the opportunity to learn how to overcome it.

If you find that your life is full of blocks, woes, troubles and perhaps you are not happy the way things are turning out as you wish them to, maybe it’s because you are not ‘thankful’ for all those challenges that will allow you to grow. Embrace them and say “Thank You… I can grow from this, I can learn from this challenge, I can help another from this situation.”

When it comes to deeds performed by others…I am Thankful and am quick to say it to others. I learned that – no one- has to do anything for me, and if I am offered a smile, a helping hand, their time, etc… I am Thankful for their goodwill towards me.

Your spirit will feel more at peace when you are Thankful for your troubles as well as for your blessings. You will begin seeing the Miracle of life unfold before you.

Daisy Says: In all things be Thankful.

One thought on “Thank You

  1. Your awesomeness rules,


    I’m a caffeine kinda guy

    Being my sane/crazy way

    Weirdophobes need not apply

    Colorful minds make my day

    I’m a caffeine kinda guy

    Born to belong, not to die

    Born to be new, not the norm

    Born to confuse, not conform

    Born to befriend, not to blend

    Born to be free, not designed

    Whether or not life was planned

    Whether or not life’s explained

    Whether we’re not meant to be

    Here we exist, all agree

    Whether or not there’s a why

    I’m a caffeine kinda guy

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