The Law of Feeling


The clock was tolling past 11:30 pm, I was engrossed in some literature when I looked up to see him dripping wet with a towel around his waist, holding a sheet of paper in his hand as little drops of water from his hair occasionally dripped on it. In his excitement he said, ” mommy we need to discuss this. Stop what you’re doing”…. it’s not every day that one’s 15 year old teenage boy has an ‘AHA!’ moment.

Something was gnawing at the back of his head since he had tagged along with me to one of my presentations. I had a segment on the ‘Law of Attraction’, I was talking about core emotions… blah blah blah.

Geordan looks at me with his intense eyes and says, “There is more to this ‘Law of Attraction'”

I share with you my sons musing which he jotted down on a piece of paper (now crinkled from the dried water spots) along with an expanded explanation of his observation; I look forward to your comments:

The Law of Feeling

~ Feeling is the basis for the ‘Law of Attraction’
When we get into ‘attraction mode’ – meaning, when we begin to desire something or wish it into being – we become infused with the ‘feeling’ of how we will feel

~ Every action must have ‘feeling’ behind it.
As simple as this statement is, it is very profound. Even the monotonous act of working has a feeling attached to it. Some may say, “I work because I have to – that is how I pay my bills” – yet, if you dissect it more you will get to the core feeling: I feel accomplished, I feel safe, I feel worthy, I feel complete, I feel happy, I feel good …. that I can pay for the things I need (or want).

Take it a step further, think about how you ‘felt’ before you acted when you were going to buy something, or going out on a date? that new car, gadget or clothes you bought; that person you were going to meet with? how were you feeling?

Right before the act of purchase or the act of going out… you were feeling something: excited, hopeful, happy, apprehensive, curious, frustrated etc.

Even if it is something somber like going to a funeral, how did you feel when you were preparing or driving out to support and console your family or friend?

The ‘act’ was preceded by a ‘feeling’.

~ Any feeling can generate any outcome.

Okay, this is where it get’s a little random. You can control your feelings… but you can not control the external affect your feelings can have on your outer environment. You can not control how others feel. (Some people may suggest otherwise… but I believe that ‘manipulation’ would be another blog topic – ultimately people do ‘choose’ how they want to feel)

~ ‘Feeling’ is two-sided: Physical and Mental.

I liked how Geordan explained this: Let’s say you are stranded in the middle of a snow storm, physically you may be feeling cold. Mentally you may be feeling apprehensive that you may not survive or feeling hopeful that you will make it out of that situation.

I was very proud of Geordan as he analyzed and dissected his observation.

Then I hit him with it: What is ‘Thought’?

He said.. it is an act. The act of thinking. (yes, I know this can go on in circles)
One of the definitions of ‘thought’ in the dictionary: The act or process of thinking; cogitation.

(of course, our discussion went on for another hour bantering back and forth…with a lot of quiet contemplative minutes in between)

We both smiled and realized that our brains had gone on overdrive, and decided it was time to shut down our operating systems. (hahaha!)

So I leave you with this thought:

Where do thoughts come from?

If any action (positive or negative) can be directly related to feelings/emotions, therefor every action must have a feeling… and we begin to think about the feeling that we will experience… would it be safe to deduce that ‘feelings’ are generated in the mind and then felt with the heart?

Daisy Says: We are what we think. *So, how do you think yourself today?

2 thoughts on “The Law of Feeling

  1. Sami, do not ask how long will you keep walking on the chaotic path… just simply ask for the Wisdom and the Courage to keep walking. Peace be with you.

  2. “Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it.” (Vincent Van Gogh)

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