The paradox of failure

The word failure turns most people’s stomach. It is an image that most do not want to have, and much less to experience.

If you want to really see who your friends are, massively fail at something… you’ll quickly find out. (I know this from first hand knowledge)

Failure is the allows you to understand what does not work in your ventures. It is the setbacks and adversities in your life that create the person inside of you that ATTRACTS success..

paradoxThe Paradox:

~ you don’t pursue success, it pursues you.

~ you don’t become successful, success becomes you.

~ you don’t create success, it creates you – through the storms, setbacks, and failures these all are a part of the success formula.

The journey of failure is for winners.

There is incredible power hidden in the word failure and you will see the REAL SECRET of attracting success in your life:

(here is the secret): the last word in failure is LURE

Through your thoughts and desires you must lure and attract success in your life that lasts (period!). There is no such thing as powerless failure. Either it has attraction power or repelling power.

Only you can allow yourself to fail. It is NOT something that happens to you or against you, but IN YOU.

All failure comes from within.

It is something you ALLOW to happen when you don’t tap into failures teaching and building power. People only fail when they give up and they give up because they are focused on… the first word in failure > fail.

Daisy says: Focus on your dreams and lure them into your reality.

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