Where there is Hope


When there is struggle and despair —-Hope comes to save you. Hope is there waiting for you in the smile of a child or the gentle touch of an elder.

When your struggle is heavy it is Hope that holds you up like a crutch to make it through the day and give you strength to awaken to a brighter tomorrow.

Hope holds us tight and raises us from the dark shadows of pain and anguish.

Hope is that next step we take,
Hope is the door we open;

Hope is… to dare speak to a stranger and discover a gentle heart on the other side.

Daisy Says: Embrace Hope.

One thought on “Where there is Hope

  1. “Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.” (The Wachowski Brothers, through their fictional character The Architect in The Matrix Trilogy)

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