Women & Chocolates

Women & Chocolates
FOR a long time women have compared chocolate to sex. Now doctors have discovered a scientific link between the two.

According to Italian researchers, women who eat chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who deny themselves the treat. Those consuming the sugary snack had the highest levels of desire, arousal and satisfaction from sex.

A study, which was presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine in London found: ‘Women who have a daily intake of chocolate showed higher levels of desire than women who did not have this habit. Chocolate can have a positive physiological impact on a woman’s sexuality.’

Valentine’s Day is many things to different people- a chance to start new relationships, rekindle old ones, or remind that special someone how wonderful they really are. For many chocolate has long been a favorite gift for lovers on Valentine’s Day.

Dr Andrea Salonia, author of the study “funded from a university research budget, not by the confectionery industry” said women who have a low libido could even become more amorous after eating chocolate. He believes chocolate could be particularly medicinal for women who shun sex because they are suffering from premenstrual tension.

Some might argue, however, that women who like chocolate are simply more sensually attuned.

One of my Valentine pleasures is the pleasure of unwrapping a box of chocolate, enjoying the sensual smell, lifting the soft seductive papers, viewing the smooth dark chocolate pieces. Then tantalizing my palate when the chocolate piece finally passes my lips and starts to instantly melt filling my mouth with exquisite pleasure. Just wonderful as the taste and smell flood the senses with overwhelming ecstasy. Eating it slowly, taking time to enjoy and savor every bit. What better way to start off an evening of love?
(why women love chocolate)

Chocolate or Sex? which would you rather do without?
If you had to give up one or the other up FOREVER…which would it be…why?

Daisy Says: I’ll have BOTH!

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