Work From Home?

It seems that with so many layoffs there are more and more people looking to work from home and twice as many looking for extra venues to generate income. I have worked from home for the last 4 years with the mortgage company I’m affiliated with… they do have local offices nationwide, and their company structure does allow many freedoms.

What I hear from many people who do work from home is the challenge in creating the discipline necessary that will yield success. I have learned that establishing a ‘workspace’ is very important. This space should be respected as such.

For the most part, most people may not have the luxury to have a designated room as a home office, so some will have to settle for a designated area. The reality is: “It is what it is” – and focus on the concept that this will be your new normal and your future (and perhaps your family) depends on it. Accept your constraints and work within them.

Here are some tips you can apply to improve your space and give your home business an edge:

Organize Your Desk
You will need items like pen holders, trays, CD/DVD, filing cabinets; storage can make a big difference to your workspace. I find that being organized helps the mind, so try to avoid starting a work session with a cluttered desk. In my home office, I have the following: a Rolodex for telephone numbers and business cards, several paper tray bins (one for filing and the other for pending work from the previous day), a pen holder, a filing cabinet, shelving for books, stationery and office supplies (staplers, etc)

Something Soothing
Nothing brightens up a space like other forms of life. If you don’t have a green thumb, I find that cactus make a good hardy desk plant and they don’t take up a lot of space. A bit of greenery can lift a room and make it a much more pleasant place to be. My bit of ‘soothing’ is a rock. On my desk I have designated a little ‘life center’ where I keep a vase, a few favorite rocks, candle and incense holder – these connect me to earth with the elements (the vase contains water, my rocks are earth, the incense is air and candle for fire).

Get some Color
A little artwork can add visual interest to your office space. In my home office, I have a canvass of nature (I do personal consulting- these things allow me to have a clear mind between sessions). You want things that inspire you and trigger your subconscious. Motivational posters are great for your home office. Keep in mind that you want to create a space where your mind knows that you are there to ‘work’.

Add a Goal Board or Wall-planner / Whiteboard
I find that using a whiteboard is a fantastic way to ‘see’ my week ahead. I happen to keep two whiteboards: one for the current task and the other is my dream board.

Improve the Lighting
If your office does not get a lot of daylight, you might want to begin by maximizing that. Make sure your windows are clear of anything that impedes the light. If you are not so lucky, you may want to strategically place some mirrors around your workspace (definitely you will be able to see yourself when slacking off!). Nothing improves an office space like lighting. Even though I have an overhead light, I find that as I work late into the night the desk lamp lessens the stress on my eyes. There are many beautiful desk lamps to choose from that will make wanting to work at your desk a more enjoyable experience.

Tidy Up the Wires
Your cables will often run together in big clumps, you can get a string or rubber band and bind the cords together at intervals so that become one giant cord rather than a web of cables. You can also get plastic wire binders at your local office supply store. Also, clamp long-running wires to walls.

Now that your set… the next step is working on your schedule!

Daisy Says: Your first step to success is creating your success center.

2 thoughts on “Work From Home?

  1. Balance, quite simple isn’t it Jon? Thank you for visiting with me.

  2. “Each success brings with it the potential of failure, and each failure brings with it the potential of success.” (John F. Kennedy)

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