Your Thoughts

Let it roll, let it take you.
Mighty river, impetuous wind.

Deep within
High above.

Travel light
Hold you back.

Fleeting star
Stoic mountain.

Your thoughts take hold
Your thoughts be bold.

Your thoughts have wings
Your thoughts become things.


What power you hold within one thought!!

Many of us go through life without harnessing that one gift, living recklessly on the whim of every thought. Up and down allowing the thoughts to control our every emotion.

Could you imagine how different your life could be if you observed your thoughts? Not giving in to the emotion, but just observe them? As the thought comes in, question the thought.

John Maxwell in his book Thinking For A Change, wrote: “I found a kind of formula that can help you stretch your thoughts. It says – The Right Thought plus the Right People in the Right Environment at the Right Time for the Right Reason = the Right Result.”

The quality of our thoughts and intentions affect the quality of our lives. “Intentions rooted in love and appreciation bring about positive changes—both to a person’s health and their life circumstances.” – Sandy Newbigging, The Power of Appreciation

The labels we have given our thoughts whether good or bad affect the decisions we make. Design a positive world for yourself and change your labels on your thoughts and you will begin to change your world.

Anyone can become a great thinker.

Daisy Says: Let your thoughts take flight, be free.

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